Sundareswarar Vadiveeswaram

Sundareswarar, Vadiveeswaram

Saivite Temples, Kanyakumari District


Sundareswarar, facing east


Azhagamman, facing south

Other Deities

Outer Prakaram – Kanni Vinayaka, Naagar, Dharma Sastha. Inner Prakaram – 63 Nayanmar, Vinayaka, Mahavishnu, Nagaraja, Kasi Viswanathar, Visalakshi, Muruga with consorts, Saneeswarar, Nataraja, Chandran

Sundareswarar Vadiveeswaram is a large east-facing temple with 2 Prakarams. The outer Prakaram is entered through a 3 tiered gopuram on the south side. The outer Prakaram has a nice paved pathway running around. On the east side of the prakaram is a large mandapam extending in the front side. There is another small entrance in the east with a smaller gopuram, but this is normally kept closed. This gate leads out to a large Temple tank in the east. The inner Prakaram houses the shrines and the sanctum sanctorum. A circumambulatory path runs around the sanctum and Goddess shrine.

Holy Water – Temple Tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Sundareswarar Vadiveeswaram is an ancient temple as is evident from the several inscriptions around the outer wall of the Sanctum sanctorum. The details of these and historical information are not available as of now.


No information


Sundareswarar Vadiveeswaram is the east side of Nagercoil town and is better known as Azhagamman temple.

Stay and Food

Nagercoil has several restaurants and hotels.

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