Sidheeswarar Adimalai

Sidheeswarar, Adimalai

Saivite Temples - Salem District


Sidheeswarar, facing east


Sidheswari, facing east

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Bhairava, Naalvar, Saptha Maadhar, Narthana Ganapathi, Muruga, Navagraha

Sidheeswarar Adimalai is a small east-facing temple situated in a single small prakaram. Sidheeswarar Adimalai is below the Palamalai Hill and not to be confused with the Sidheswarar Temple on the hilltop of Palamalai. There are 2 Shiva Lingams here and one outside the sanctum sanctorum. The one outside facing west is said to be the ancient one and on top of the grave of a Sidhdhar.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


No information


No information


Sidheeswarar Adimalai is about 16 kilometers south of Mettur on the road going towards Erode. Sidheeswarar Adimalai is on the west side of the Cauvery River.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest for food and stay would be Salem or Erode depending on your travel plans.

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