Thirukaraieswarar, Pernamallur

Saivite Temples, Thiruvannamalai District


Thirukaraieswarar, facing east


Thirupurasundari, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Perumal, Muruga with consorts, Navagraha, Bhairava, Jeshta Devi. Sanctum niches – Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Lingotbavar, Brahma, Chandikeswara, Durga

Thirukaraieswarar Pernamallur is an east-facing temple with entrance from the south through a 3 tiered Raja Gopuram. The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Lord is in the form of Gajaprastha (seated elephant). A single Prakaram houses all the shrines and the sanctum sanctorum. Four Shiva temples, including this, in the four directions, are considered as important.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Kochengat Chola Theertham

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Thirukaraieswarar Pernamallur is an ancient temple from the construction style of the Sanctum Sanctorum. There are some inscriptions on the pillars. Also seen are the spider and elephant symbols that are connected with Kotchenga Chola. But historical information is not available as of now.


Thirukaraieswarar Pernamallur is believed to have derived the name from a big battle between two kings with massive armies (paer – large, ani – group). Another version is that a big dam was built over the nearby river and the name was derived because of that. The river is not visible these days but the name of the Lord Thiru Karai (banks, shore) Easwarar is attributed to that. Maybe the reference is to the big lake nearby.


Thirukaraieswarar Pernamallur is about 25 kilometers northwest of Vandavasi off the Aarani Road and is reached by taking a left at the Sahathankal Junction.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest for food would be Vandavasi or Aarani.

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