Perumal Mangamalai

Perumal, Mangamalai

Vaishnavite Temples - Salem District


Perumal, facing east


Sreedevi and Bhoodevi along with the main deity, facing east

Other Deities

Anjaneya, Garuda, Vinayaka, Naagar

Perumal Mangamalai is a beautiful east-facing hill temple. The drive through the countryside all the way to reach the hilltop temple is great. There is a small rock pond on the north side of the temple on top of the hill. The main entrance is from the east through a small flight of steps. There is a garuda mandapam and Dwajasthambam before the Mukha Mandapam. There is also an installation of many lances and tridents in the front. Ver strangely there are both Garuda and Nandi idols on top of the walls of the mandapam. The main deity is in a standing posture with his consorts Sreedevi and Bhoodevi. The main deity is about 4 feet tall. There is a lingam-like stone installed in front of the main deity.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Rock Pond in the temple

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Perumal Mangamalai is an old temple. Historical information is not available as of now.


No information


Perumal Mangamalai is about 7 kilometers northwest of Sankagiri, off the road going towards Edappadi. Sankagiri is about 38 Kilometers southwest of Salem on the road to Erode.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest for food and stay would be Salem or Erode depending on your travel plans.

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