Adhikesavaperumal with sreedevi and bhoodevi facing east
Adhikesavaperumal with sreedevi and bhoodevi facing east
Aadhilakshmi facing east
Ramanujar, Hanuman, Chakrathalwar-Narasimhar, Alwars and Andal. The small idols of Ranganath and Tumbikkai Alwar (Ganesha) are found in one pillar.
Aadikesava Perumal Chintadripet is an east facing with a common temple tank in the east front with the adjoining Shiva temple.
Holy Water – No information
Holy Tree – No information
Aadikesava Perumal Chintadripet was built by an agent (dubash) working under the British East India Company in 1740s with the company’s support. Hence, these twin temples which are dedicated to Adipureeswarar (Shiva) and Adi Kesava (Vishnu) are called as Company shrines.
No information
Aadikesava Perumal Chintadripet is at the left after you cross the Coovum bridge into Chintadripet from Egmore side. Also visit the adjacent Shiva temple.
Chennai has several hotels and restaurants across all tiers.