Agastheeswarar, Vikravandi

Saivite Temples, Villupuram District


Agastheeswarar, facing west


Dharmasamvardhini, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Dakshinamurthy, Venkateswara Perumal, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara, Navagraha, Saneeswara

Agastheeswarar Vikravandi is an ancient west facing temple with entrance from east. The structures are overgrown with vegetation and requires support and attention.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vanni (Prosopis cineraria)


Agastheeswarar Vikravandi is about 800 years old.


No information


Agastheeswarar Vikravandi is inside Vikravandi Town. Also to be seen is another Siva temple (Bhuvaneswarar) and a Perumal temple.

Stay and Food

Fine only for tea and snacks.

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