Renganadar Sowcarpet

Vaishnavite Temples, Chennai District


Renganadar, facing east


Renganayaki, facing east

Other Gods

Ramanujar, Nammazhwar, Krishna, Rama, Anjaneya, Varadaraja perumal, Aandal, Srinivasa Perumal, Yoganarasimhar, Thirumazhisai Azhwar, Periyazhwar, Sribattar

Renganadar Sowcarpet is a small east facing temple with a large entrance arch. The temple inside is spacious with pillared Mantapa and several niches for idols around the sanctum sanctorum. The vimaana here is in the shape of a Gajaprashtam.

Holy water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Renganadar Sowcarpet is an ancient temple which could back a few hundred years from the looks of it, but the historic information is not available as of now.


No information


Renganadar Sowcarpet is Mullasahib street which takes off from Annapillai Street just near the Arunachaleswarar Temple. Congested area and vehicles are best avoided.

Stay and Food

Chennai has hotels and restaurants across all tiers. Parry’s Corner and surrounding areas have good new restaurants including a few old ones like Shankar Cafe. There are several small eateries in the narrow lanes doling out delectable snacks throughout the day, but care has to be taken in selecting the shops.

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