Jalakandeswarar Hosur

Jalakandeswarar, Hosur

Saivite Temples, Krishnagiri District


Jalakandeswarar, facing east


Aadhi Parasakthi in a separate adjacent temple

Other Deities


Jalakandeswarar Hosur is a very small temple with an adjacent temple tank to the south and thus the name of the lord.  The adjacent Aadhi Parasakthi temple seems to be a new addition.

Holy Water – Temple tank

Holy Tree – No information


Jalakandeswarar Hosur could be a few hundred years old, at least the Lingam and the ancient looking tank. There is no historical information available as of now.


The lord at Jalakandeswarar Hosur has received the name from the presence of water in the temple tank adjacent to him.


Jalakandeswarar Hosur is in the middle of Hosur town.

Stay and Food

Hosur has several good boarding and lodging facilities.

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