Kasiviswanathar Shulagiri

Kasiviswanathar, Shulagiri

Saivite Temples, Krishnagiri District


Kasi Viswanathar, facing east


Visalakshi, facing east

Other Deities

Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Vishnu, Brahma, Chandikeswara, Durga

Kasiviswanathar Shulagiri is a small, ancient temple which has been renovated in recent times. The temple is in the base of the Shoolagiri hill.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information


Kasiviswanathar Shulagiri is an ancient temple, at least a few centuries old, which was dilapidated to a large extent and renovated recently.


No information


On the Shoolagiri Berigai road follow the path to the hill varadaraja perumal temple and take a left to reach Kasiviswanathar Shulagiri.

Stay and Food

None locally. Restaurants including Adyar Ananda Bhavan and McDonalds are available near the Shoolagiri Junction in the highway

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