Malleswarar Nariganapuram

Malleswarar, Nariganapuram

Saivite Temples, Krishnagiri District


Malleswarar, facing west



Other Deities


Malleswarar Temple, Nariganapuram is a small hill top temple with just the sanctum sanctorum. This a remote location and a beautiful place. The temple seems to be attended to as the inside of the sanctum has been recently tiled and a solar lamp fitted outside.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information


Malleswarar Nariganapuram could be an old temple from the looks of the Lingam. But no historical information us available as of now.


Goddess Parvati is said to have performed penance here at Malleswarar Nariganapuram. Parashurama is said to have prayed to Shiva here to offset the sin he attained by killing his mother.


We had a lot of difficulty in locating Malleswarar Nariganapuram and reached the temple with the help of a local who ferried the two of us one by one on his bike as a car cannot go up. Reach Bagalur from Hosur and proceed onto Berigai. This temple comes somewhere in the middle, but closer to Berigai. Ensure you are here in broad daylight only. Also visit the temple in Berigai and you can reach Shulagiri.

Stay and Food

None Locally

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