Someswarar Krishnagiri

Someswarar, Krishnagiri

Saivite Temples, Krishnagiri District


Someswarar, facing east


Prasanna Parvati, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Dakshinamurthy, Vishnu, Durga, Chandikeswara, Bairava, Chandran, Navagraha

Someswarar Krishnagiri is a small east facing temple with a large Nandi on the entrance gateway. the temple has a single Prakaram and a mantapa that leads into the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information


Some aspects of Someswarar Krishnagiri look old, but historical information is not available as on date.


No information


Someswarar Krishnagiri is in the oldpet area of Krishnagiri town. Refer to our map for exact location.

Stay and Food

Krishnagiri has many hotels and restaurants for a decent stay and good food.

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