Prasanna Venkataramanswamy Chappadi

Prasanna Venkataramanswamy, Chappadi

Vaishnavite Temples, Krishnagiri District


Prasanna Venkatramanaswamy, facing east


Mahalakshmi Thaayar, facing east

Other Deities

Garudan, Ramanujar, Manavala Mamuni, Nammazhwar, Aandal, Vishwaksenar, Lakshmi Narasimhar, Anjaneya, Navagraha

Prasanna Venkataramanswamy Chappadi is an east-facing hill temple that can be reached through a short flight of steps and over rocks. On the southeast side of the slope is a rock pond of water and a shrine for Anjaneya. Adjoining the rock-carved Anjaneya is an installation of Navagraha in the same shrine. The temple on top resembles a fort with solid and tall walls all around. Outside the doorway is a stone Dwajasthambam. Inside the temple consists of a single large and spacious Prakaram housing the shrines and the sanctum sanctorum of the main deity. There is a Mahamandapam and Ardha Mandapam before the sanctum. On the left side of the sanctum are Ramanujar, Manavala Mamuni, Nammazhwar. Inside the sanctum is Vishwaksenar facing North on the left side of the main deity. Aandal is on the right side of the main deity. Outside in the Prakaram is Lakshmi Narasimhar on the southwest side and Mahalakshmi Thaayar on the northwest side.

Holy Water – Pond in front of Anjaneya Temple

Holy Tree – No information


Prasanna Venkataramanswamy Chappadi is a 13the Century Temple. Historical information is not available as of now.


No information


Prasanna Venkataramanswamy Chappadi is 18 kilometers southeast of Hosur and 33 kilometers northwest of Krishnagiri off the highway connecting the two towns.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest is Hosur or Krishnagiri depending on the direction of your travel.

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