Kalyanasundareswarar Aavaniyapuram

Kalyanasundareswarar, Aavaniyapuram

Saivite Temples, Madurai District


Kalyanasundareswarar, facing east


Balameenambikai, facing south

Other Deities

Santhana Vinayagar, Balasubramanian, Dhandayudhapani, Dakshinamurthy, Lingothbavar, Brahma, Chandikeswarar, Vishnu Durga, Navagrahas, Bhairava, Surya, Chandra

Kalyanasundareswarar Aavaniyapuram is an east facing temple from the ancient times. Two Nandis face the god and goddess separately. Kailasanadar Aavaniyapuram is constructed with stone and has a single Prakaram where all the shrines and deities are located.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Surya Theertham

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilvam (Aegle marmelos)


Kalyanasundareswarar Aavaniyapuram was built during the Pandya period and subsequently many Kings have provided support and contributed to the construction and development.


After the marriage of Goddess Meenakshi with Lord Shiva, she was requested by her friends to give them the Darshan in their Marriage form which the goddess did. This was believed to have taken place here at Kalyanasundareswarar Aavaniyapuram. This place is said to have been called Pillayar Palayam in ancient days. When Thirugnanasambandar came here to sing Pillai Thamizh to cure the disease of a Pandya King, his wife came here to receive him and thus came this ancient name.


Kalyanasundareswarar Aavaniyapuram is in the Southern suburbs of Madurai and 6 kilometers from the Periyar Bus Stand.

Stay and Food

None locally, Nearest is Madurai

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