Thiru Aappanur

Thiru Aappanur

Padal Petra Sthalam, Madurai District


Rishabareswar, facing east. Other names include Anna Vinodhar, Aappudayar.


Kuravankamazh Kuzhali

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga, Pitchadanar, Nataraja, Nalwar, Kasi Viswanathar, Panchalingam, Pazhaniandavar, Bairava, Navagrahas

Thiru Aappanur is an ancient small temple on the Northern Bank of the Vaigai River.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Idabatheertham, Vaigai River

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Not known


Thirugnanasambandar (7th Century CE) has sung Thevaram Hymns in praise of the Lord here at Thiru Aappanur. The Pandya Kings and the Royal Sethupathi Kings are said to have made many contributions to Thiru Aappanur temple although little is known about its history.


A wedge (Aappu) was mistakenly worshiped as a Shivalingam by a Pandya ruler and the same is said to have transformed miraculously into a Shivalingam, hence the Lord’s name is Aappudayar. The Lord is also believed to have miraculously caused grains of sand to turn into rice (Annam) during the time of a debilitating famine, hence the name Anna Vinodhar here at Thiru Aappanur.


Thiru Aappanur can be reached from Madurai railway station after crossing the Vaigai bridge and either taking the immediate left parallel to the river or by taking a left onto Sellur road and a further left a short distance away. Please see the map below for the exact location.

Stay and Food

Madurai is well known for its excellent food and the list of restaurants can fill a book. The city has lodging starting from the budget ones to 5 star hotels.

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