Karuparai Bagavathi Payanam

Karuparai Bagavathi Payanam

Other Temples, Kanyakumari District


Vyagrapureeswarar, facing east


Brahadambal, facing east

Other Deities

Ganesha, Muruga, Vishnu, Yoga Dakshinamurthy, Bhairava, Surya, Nava Vinayaka, Saneeswara

Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal is an ancient east facing temple with a small 3 tiered Rajagopuram in the eastern entrance. The goddess shrine is separate and adjacent to the main deitiy’s sanctum sanctorum. South of these shrines is a large Temple tank with Lotus flowers in it. Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal temple is being maintained with beautiful lawns and flower garden (Nandavanam). It is said that if you look at the Lingam here at Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal in detail you can see the form of a tiger. The suns rays fall on the Lord in the evenings in some seasons. Unlike anywhere else Lord Vinayaka is installed in front of the Lord. Instead of the Navagraha idols 9 Vinayaka idols are installed. Normally you see Dwarapalakas at the entrance to the sanctum of the main deity. Here you will see one Dwarapalaka and one Vinayaka on either side. The original idol of the goddess was damaged and a new one was installed in a separate sanctum. The Yoga Dakshinamurthy idol here is special in terms of appearance, finesse and is seen with a Snake and Mala (penance garland) in each of the upper hands. He appears as Arthanareeswara (half man and half woman) here at Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal. In 1929-30 a miraculous light is said to have appeared here next to the Lingam and witnessed by many people. Another important feature here is Muruga in penance sitting on a lotus without his weapon and mount. The sacred tree here, Vanni, is said to be about 800 years old.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vanni (Prosopis cineraria)


Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal was built during the Chola period with later contributions by the Pandyas. The present day structure belongs to 13th Century CE. 15 Stone inscriptions have been found here, 6 belonging to the Chola Period, 7 to the Pandya Period and one each to the Vijayanagar and Pallavarayar periods. The oldest of these being one dated 1011 CE of Raja Raja Chola period. A tradition of dance called ‘Santhi Koothu’ was being performed by a group of people called ‘Santhi Kooththiyar’ on festival days here as mentioned in 4 of the inscriptions.


Kamadhenu, the sacred cow worshiped the Lord at Thirugokarnam, on the advise of Sage Kapila, for relief from a curse by Lord Indra. Kamadhenu is said to have brought water from the Ganges daily by filling her ears with the water and performed ablutions for the Lord. One day on her way she was intercepted by a tiger at Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal. She requested the tiger for time to perform her worship to the lord and then come back to offer herself as food. The tiger agreed and when she came back the tiger turned into Lord Shiva and his consort and blessed Kamadhenu, whence she reached Indra’s abode again.


Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal is about 4 kilometers northwest of Pudukottai. On the road to Keeranur taka a left at about 2.5 kilometers and proceed to reach Vyagrapureeswarar Vengaivasal.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Pudukottai.

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