Sutharathineswarar, facing east
Sutharathineswarar, facing east
Akilandeswari, facing east
Vinayaka, Twin Lingam, Gajalakshmi, Saraswathi, Durga, Vishnu, Brahma, Chandikeswara, Nataraja, Sivakamasundari, Veerabadhra, Bhairava
Sutharathineswarar Ootathur is a large temple with a 5 tier Rajagopuram at the entrance in the east. There is a window like large opening just below the 5 tiers through which sunlight will fall on the Lord on 12, 13 and 14 of the Tamil month of Maasi (mid February-mid March). The east facing goddess shrine is separate in the outer Prakaram. There are several unique and beautiful features in Sutharathineswarar Ootathur temple- a Nandi facing the east apart from the one facing the lord, a panel carved with all the 27 birth stars and 12 zodiac signs, a panel carved with the 9 planets, a perennial spring in front of the sanctum sanctorum, a closed tunnel that would lead to the nearby Perumal Temple, a Nataraja idol made of Panchanadhana stone, the main deity made of Ruby stone, Bhairava facing Gajalakshmi, Shivalinga on the forehead of Veerabadhra, Durga with two protruding teeth and more.
The Panchanadhana stone used to create the Nataraja Idol here is said to have unique properties like storing the positive energies of the sunlight and medicinal properties. Some proven cases of Kidney ailments being cured by soaking the roots of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) which has been garlanded to the Nataraja Idol here and consumed in a prescribed form for a specific period has been reported.
Holy Water (Theertham) – Brahma Theertham
Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information
Sutharathineswarar Ootathur has been in existence even earlier than the references made by stone inscriptions found here dating 10th Century CE. Thirunavukkarasar (7th century CE) has sung to the Lord here standing at nearby Paadalur. The temple was said to have been discovered buried by Rajaraja Chola who was a frequent visitor of the nearby Choleeswara Temple. He then excavated and renovated this temple. About 50 inscriptions from the times of Rajaraja, Rajendra and Rajathiraja Cholas have been found here.
Rajaraja Chola while visiting the Choleeswara Temple nearby discovered Sutharathineswarar Ootathur temple when his men cut a path through shrubs and blood gushed out of a particular spot revealing the Shiva Lingam. The legend of this temple referes to the well known competition between Vishnu and Brahma where Brahma cheated and was cursed by Shiva. As a relief from the curse he was told to collect water from all the world’s rivers. He is believed to have poured them in the Theertham he created here which is known as Brahma Theertham. Rajaraja Chola is said to have sprinkled this Theertham on himself while unwell and enjoyed good health ever since. Lord Shiva asked Nandi to drink the rivers of all the 7 Holy Rivers (Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindu, Kaveri and Thungabadra) to settle a dispute among them on who is the holiest. While he then lay facing east only that of Ganga is said to have poured out and created the Nandiyar River east of the temple.
A Chola King is believed to have discovered that the Urn carrying his father’s ashes turned into flowers here at Sutharathineswarar Ootathur and later as he reached Kasi it had turned back to bones and ashes. He is said to have come back here and submerged the ashes of his father in the Nandiyar River.
When Thirunavukkarasar wanted to visit the temple he could not do so as he found the path full of Shivalingams and fearing to tread on them he stood at Paadalur and sang referring to this temple as Ootrathur (Ootru – the perennial spring inside the temple).
Sutharathineswarar Ootathur is 4 kilometers east of Padalur. Padalur is 18 kilometers south of Perambalur junction in the Chennai – Thiruchirapalli highway. Ootathur is an important place with 3 more temples around.
None locally. Closest is Thiruchirapalli and Perambalur.