Kotandaramar Valikondapuram

Kotandaramar Valikondapuram

Vaishnavite Temples, Perambalur District


Kotandaramar, facing east


Padmavathi Thaayar, facing east

Other Deities

Aandal, Anjaneya, Garuda

Kotandaramar Valikandopuram is a small east facing temple situated in the imposing shadows of the nearby Siva temple. A beautiful and clean temple Kotandaramar Valikondapuram has been renovated recently. Lord Rama is seen standing here in the main sanctum with Lakshmana and Sita.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Kotandaramar Valikondapuram is about 400 years old as per information stone at the temple. It is also contradictingly mentioned as 7th century CE.


Sita is believed to have created a Shiva Lingam and worshiped here for the well being of her husband Lord Rama at Kotandaramar Valikondapuram.


Kotandaramar Valikondapuram is adjacent to the famous Shiva Temple at Valikondapuram. Valikondapuram is about 9 kilometers before Perambalur junction as you go from Chennai. The temple is visible on the right side of the highway and you have to take a u-turn and reach.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest are Perambalur and Thiruchirapalli.

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