Agasteeswarar, Erumaivetti

Saivite Temples, Thiruvannamalai District


Agasteeswarar, facing east


Amman, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts, Bhairava, Navagraha. Sanctum niches – Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Mahavishnu, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara

Agasteeswarar Erumaivetti is a small temple, beautifully located amidst green fields. The temple does not have a compound wall, but has been renovated and painted up recently. The Shiva Lingam is large in size. There are small temples for Rama, Vinayaka and Amman also in the village.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Agasteeswarar Erumaivetti is an ancient temple as is evident from the stone inscriptions seen in the sanctum sanctorum wall. Historical information is not available as on date.


No information


Agasteeswarar Erumaivetti is 16 kilometers north of Vandavasi in the Cheyyar road. The temple is about 1.5 kilometers inside and east of the main road when you go towards Cheyyar.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest for food would be Vandavasi or Cheyyar.

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