Kailasanadar Vengalathur

Kailasanadar, Vengalathur

Saivite Temples, Thiruvannamalai District


Kailasanadar, facing east


Thirupurasundari, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts, Jambukeswari & Akilandeswari, Nataraja & Sivakamasundari, Annamalaiyar & Unnamalai Amman, Ekambaranathar & Kamakshi Amman, Kalatheeswarar & Gnanambikai. Sanctum Niches – Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Mahavishnu, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara

Kailasanadar Vengalathur is a small east facing temple with entrance from the south. The temple with a single Prakaram is situated close to the banks of the Paalar River which is at the north. The old temple has been renovated recently. The Pancha Bootha Lingams are installed here in a line facing east behind the sanctum sanctorum. A small temple tank is inside the temple itself.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple Tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Sara Kondrai (Indian Laburnum – Cassia fistula)


Kailasanadar Vengalathur could be old, but no historical information is available as of now. Looking at the deities in the niches of the Sanctum Sanctorum we estimate it could be several centuries old.


No information


Kailasanadar Vengalathur is 15.5 Kilometers north-west of Dusi. Take the road that goes via Aiyangar Kulam to Arcot. At 5 kilometers take a right towards north and drive for 10.5 kilometers to reach Kasi Viswanathar. The temple is north off the main road and is visible from the main road.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest for food and stay would be Kancheepuram.

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