Vidyapureeswarar Mullandiram

Vidyapureeswarar, Mullandiram

Saivite Temples, Thiruvannamalai District


Vidyapureeswarar, facing east


Parvati Amman, facing east

Other Deities

Ganesha, Muruga

Vidyapureeswarar Mullandiram is an ancient east-facing temple that is almost completely lost. There are some beautiful relief carvings all around. Some of the old pillars are lying about. There is also a deep temple pond to the southeast of the temple which is now dry and ruined. The temple has an entrance Mantapa in the south which is followed by a south-facing entrance to the sanctum sanctorum. The goddess is in a separate east facing shrine to the north of the Sanctum. There are two stone Dwajasthambams for the god and goddess in front of the shrines. There is no compound wall and the campus is filled with weeds. We found that some work had been initiated. But locals said that people keep coming to take stock but nothing is happening.

Holy Water (Theertham) –Temple Pond

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Vidyapureeswarar Mullandiram is an ancient temple. The carvings and architectural features all indicate its antiquity. There are some inscriptions on the southern wall of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Historical details are not known as of now.


No information


Vidyapureeswarar Mullandiram is about 18 kilometers south of Arcot and 15 kilometers north of Aarani. From Arcot, you can reach via Timir and Padi. From Aarani you have tor each via Puthur. Kindly refer to our map below for the exact location.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest for food would be Arcot or Aarani.

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