Sundareswarar Kurumalai

Sundareswarar, Kurumalai

Saivite Temples - Thoothukudi


Sundareswarar, facing east


Meenakshi, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts, Navagraha, Bhairava, Dakshinamurthy

Sundareswarar Kurumalai is an east-facing temple with a small entrance gate in the east. A single prakaram houses the main mandapam and the sanctum sanctorum. The old temple has been painted up recently. A Mahamandapam is common to both the sanctum sanctorum and the shrine of the goddess. Both of them have an Ardha Mandapam. In the front mandapam carvings of the king who built the temple is seen in a pillar. The campus is filled with large shade-providing trees.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Sundareswarar Kurumalai is an ancient temple built by the Pandya Kings. An inscription is present on the floor of the front mandapam.


No information


Sundareswarar Kurumalai is 12 kilometers south of Kovilpatti. The temple is on the road in the village.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest is Kovilpatti.

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