Suyambulingaswamy Uvari

Suyambulingaswamy, Uvari

Saivite Temples - Tirunelveli District


Suyambulingaswamy, facing east


Brahmasakthi Ambal, facing east

Other Deities

Kanni Vinayaka, Perumal

Suyambulingaswamy Uvari is being developed as a large east-facing temple with a huge Rajagopuram coming up on the east side. The temple is situated on the seashore. The Shiva Lingam here is considered a Suyambu (self-occurring). A large Mahamandapam is in front of the sanctum sanctorum. There is a nice temple tank with fresh water right on the beach. There are three other freshwater springs on the seashore near the temple. The Sun’s rays fall on the Lord for all 30 days of the Tamil Margazhi month (December-January), unlike many other temples where it falls only for a few days. A temple car is stationed on the main road and entrance arches have been built. The lingam is said to bear the shapes of the sun and moon on it. A 5 headed Naagar idol is installed behind the Lingam as if protecting it with its hood. There are small shrines for Esakki Amman, Munnodi, and Sastha nearby. A few mandapams have been built on the beach. The location of Suyambulingaswamy Uvari is beautiful with the adjacent beach, temple tank, and trees around providing ample shade.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple Tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Kadamba Tree (Neolamarckia cadamba)


Suyambulingaswamy Uvari is an old temple where the shiva lingam was under a thatched roof shelter. All other constructions are new and under construction. As per inscriptions found elsewhere, this place was called Veerai Valanadu in the olden days.


A milkman discovered the Lingam under the root of a Kadamba tree that he accidentally cut and which started to bleed. He then built Suyambulingaswamy Uvari under a thatched roof shelter.


Suyambulingaswamy Uvari is 37 kilometers southeast of Nanguneri via Thisayinvilai. Nanguneri is about 28 kilometers south of Tirunelveli. Suyambulingaswamy Uvari is about 35 kilometers southwest of Tiruchendur on the coastal road via Kulasekharapatnam and Manapad.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest are Tiruchendur (35 kms) and Tirunelveli (70kms) depending on your travel plan.

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