Valeeswarar Valeeswaram

Valeeswarar, Valeeswaram

Saivite Temples - Tirunelveli District


Valeeswarar, facing east


Soundarya Nayaki, facing east

Other Deities

Chandran, Adhikara Nandi, Saneeswarar, Sapthamadar, Dakshinamurthy, Arumuga, Chandikeswara, Kalabhairava, Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts, Bhairava

Valeeswarar Valeeswaram is an ancient east facing temple with 2 Prakarams enclosed by a compound wall. The entrance is through a small gateway in the east. The outer prakaram encloses the Sanctum Sanctorum of the main deity inside a separate inner Prakaram. To the left is a separate sanctum for the goddess. The outer Prakaram is large and a pathway is present all around with shrines behind the sanctums. The architectural splendor of the sanctum sanctorum of the main deity is to be seen to be believed. The walls are filled with inscriptions all around. The carvings and sculptures are all splendid. The Nandi of the main deity is in the outer Prakaram facing the lord. The inner Prakaram has Mantapas on the south and west sides and an Ardha Mantapa and Antrala that leads to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Lord. The Sanctum Sanctorum is completely constructed with stone from the foundation to the stupi. The outer walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum are without niches as is common in these parts. The Ardha Mantapa is supported by 8 Pillars and 8 Pilasters. The important aspects are the sculptures in the niches in the Vimaana which include Gangadhara, Vrishabantaka, Dakshinamurthi, Nataraja, Ardhanariswara, Tripurantaka, Kalarimurti, Lingotbava, Kamantaka, Gajasamharamurthi, and others. An ancient Nandi is kept on the ground between the god and goddess sanctums. A river called Gadana runs in front in the east of Valeeswarar Valeeswaram. The temple is under the control of the Archaeological Survey of India.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Valeeswarar Valeeswaram is an ancient temple built by Rajaraja Chola. There are several Chola, Chola-Pandya, and Pandya inscriptions all around the walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum and other places. On the north wall is a record of Rajaraja I, dated in his eleventh year (996 CE) relating to a gift of land. On the same wall, a Vattezhuthu inscription in the 18th year of a king whose name is not specified mentions an agreement among the villagers of Rajaraja Chaturvedimangalam (Brahmadesam). On a pillar near the Balipeeda an inscription records the victories of a division of the Chola army called ‘Munru Kal Mahasenai’ and further mentions that the temple of Valiswaram, its treasury, and temple servants were placed under the protection of this army unit.


No information


Valeeswarar Valeeswaram is 2 kilometers northeast of Mannar Kovil and 1.5 kilometers northwest of Brahmadesam. Name boards are present to guide to the temple. Refer to our map below for the exact location.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Ambasamudram for food and stay.

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