Mayuranathar Rajapalayam

Mayuranathar, Rajapalayam

Saivite Temples - Virudhunagar District


Mayuranathar, facing east


Anjal Nayaki, facing east

Other Deities

Suryan, 63 Nayanmar, Shiva Lingam, Kanni Vinayaka, Sarabeswara, Muruga with consorts, Saneeswara, Bhairava, Navagraha, Chandran. Sanctum niche of main deity – Dakshinamurthy, Lingotbavar, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara. Sanctum niche of goddess – Icha Sakthi, Kriya Sakthi, Gnana Sakthi, Chandikeswari

Mayuranathar Rajapalayam is an east-facing temple situated in a single Prakaram. The entrance is through a gateway mandapam in the east. The Prakaram is spacious and well maintained. The main deity faces east from his sanctum sanctorum. The goddess is facing east a separate shrine. In between is a shrine for Lord Muruga. The arrangement is thus in the Somaskanda form. A common Maha Mandapam is present before the sanctum and the shrines. There is an Ardha Mandapam before the sanctum of the main deity and goddess. Outside and around the temple wall is a Nandavanam where 27 different species of trees that represent the 27 stars are planted and nurtured. Rajapalayam is famous for its cotton spinning mills and is also the home of the famous Rajapayalam breed of dogs.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Kayalnadi (lake, north of the temple)

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilwam (Aegle marmelos)


Mayuranathar Rajapalayam is said to be an old temple. But it has been renovated without any indication of the old aspects. Historical information is not available as of now.


No information


Mayuranathar Rajapalayam is on the north side of Rajapalayam close to the highway going towards Madurai.

Stay and Food

Rajapalayam has a few restaurants and hotels for stay.

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