
Padal Petra Sthalams, Thiruvarur District


Kaichinneswarar (also Karachinneswarar, Prakasanadhar), facing east


Suvedhavalai Nayaki (also Velvalai Nayaki), facing east

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga, Vidhoomalingam, Nataraja, Mahavishnu, Rishaparooda Dakshinamoorthy, Ardhanareeswarar

Kaichinnam is a large east facing temple with 2 Prakarams. Inside the first Prakaram is the Flagstaff, Balipeedam and Nandi followed by a 3 tiered Rajagopuram. The second Prakaram is also large and houses the sanctums and all the shrines. The main Sanctum Sanctorum of the lord is on an elevated platform (Madakoil). The ssanctum of the goddess is a separate east facing one and located on the north side of the main deity. The place is also called Konguvanam and Karnikaranyam. There is a large temple pond on the south side adjoining the temple which is the Vajra Theertham. On the north side is another pond which is the Indra Theertham. An idol of Lord Vishnu was discovered while excavating the temple owned lands and has been installed in the inner Prakaram. The Dakshinamoorthy here is called Rishaparooda Dakshinamoorthy as he is seen with the Nandi in the background.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Vajra Theertham, Indra Theertham, Agasthya Theertham

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Kongu Ilavu (Silk Cotton Tree – Ceiba pentandra)


Kotchengat Chola of the early Cholas (pre and post Sangam Period) built the Kaichinnam temple. He also built more than 70 other Maadakovils. He is one of the 63 Nayanmars. Thirugnanasambandar (8th century CE) has rendered Hymns for the lord here. About 11 inscriptions are found here at Kaichinnam. These mentions the various grants given to the temple. They also mention the name of the main deity as “Kongu Ilavuvaneswaraswamy, Thirukaichinnam Udaya Nayinar and Karachineswarar”.


Indra cursed by Sage Gautama created a Shivalingam out of the earth and worshiped it to get relieved of the curse. When he attempted to lift it after worshiping, the Lingam would not move and the imprint of his hand was on the lingam. Hence the name of the main deity is Kaichinneswarar (One with the hand symbol or imprint). Sage Agastya, Mitrasagan, Sage Thrinabindu, Vidhooman and others have worshiped the lord here at Kaichinnam. Sage Agastya was relived of the Brahmahathi Curse here.


Kaichinnam is about 16 kilometers south of Thiruvarur on the road going to Thiruthuraipoondi.

Stay and Food

None Locally except tea and snack Shops. Closest would be Thiruvarur.

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