Kothandaramar, Mudikondan

Kothandaramar, Mudikondan

Vaishnavite Temples


Kothandaramar with Lakshmana and Seetha, facing east


Seetha with main deity

Other Deities


Kothandaramar, Mudikondan is a small east facing temple that attracts a lot of crowd in the Tamil month of Purattasi (September-October). There is a large temple tank on the eastern front.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Kothandaramar, Mudikondan should be a few hundred years old, but no reliable historical information is available as of now.


Lord Rama is believed to have provided the vision of his Coronation to Sage Bharadwaja here and hence the name of the place is Mudi Kondan (the crowned king).


Kothandaramar, Mudikondan  is about 3.5 kilometers south of Koothanur in the Thiruvarur road.

Stay and Food

Mudikondan has one or two tea and snack shops. Thiruvarur would be the closest for stay.

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