Desikanadhar Ealur

Desikanadhar, Ealur

Vaishnavite Temples - Namakkal District


Desikanadhar, facing east


Sreedevi and Bhoodevi along with the main deity, facing east

Other Deities

Garuda, Vinayaka, Ayyappan, Chakrathazhwar, Aandal, Navagraha, Vishwaksenar

Desikanadhar Ealur is an east-facing temple with an entrance gate in the east. The shrines and sanctum sanctorum are situated in a single large and spacious prakaram. In the prakaram facing the sanctum sanctorum are a stone Dwajasthambam, Balipeedam, Flagstaff, and Garuda Mandapam. On the south side is the shrine of Chakrathazhwar and on the north is the shrine of the Navagrahas. A new concrete construction serves as a Maha Mandapam in front of the Ardha Mandapam and Sanctum Sanctorum. Most of the constructions are new.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Desikanadhar Ealur is said to be an old temple that has been completely rebuilt retaining very few of the old elements. Historical information is not available as of now.


Desikanadhar Ealur could have some connections with the life story of Vedanta Desikar. No information is not available as of now.


Desikanadhar Ealur is about 20 kilometers southwest of Rasipuram and northwest of Namakkal. Desikanadhar Ealur is in the road going from the national highway towards Periamanalai from Kalangani in between Rasipuram and Namakkal.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest is Salem or Namakkal depending on your travel plans.

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