Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli

Varadaraja Perumal, Sarkar Manapalli

Vaishnavite Temples - Namakkal District


Varadaraja Perumal, facing east


Sreedevi and Bhoodevi along with the main deity, facing east

Other Deities

Garuda, Anjaneya, Naagar

Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli is a small east facing temple situated in a single open Prakaram. There is a Maha Mandapam and Ardha Mandapam before the Sanctum Sanctorum. The entire temple is one long unit constructed with stone. There is a Dwajasthambam outside with the carvings of Anjaneya and Garuda. There is a stone carving depicting a hunting scene and an inscription kept outside. Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli temple is situated on the north banks of the Cauvery River. North of Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli is a Shiva Temple.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Cauvery River

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli is an old temple as is evident from the architecture style and the single stone inscription kept outside. The details of this inscription and historical information are not available as of now.


No information


Varadaraja Perumal Sarkar Manapalli is about 6 kilometers northwest of Mohanur on the north bank of the Cauvery River. Mohanur is about 20 kilometers south of Namakkal.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea and snack shops in Mohanur. The closest is Namakkal.

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