Lakshmi Narasimhar Nangavalli

Lakshmi Narasimhar, Nangavalli

Vaishnavite Temples - Salem District


Lakshmi Narasimhar, facing east


Mahalakshmi along with the main deity, facing east

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Naagar, Garuda, Aandal, Navagraha, Vishwaksenar, Anjaneya, Someswarar, Sundaravalli, Vishnu Durga

Lakshmi Narasimhar Nangavalli is a large east-facing temple with a 5 tiered Rajagopuram in the east. Outside is a shrine for Anjaneya facing the lord inside and a stone Dwajasthambam. The Rajagopuram leads into a large and spacious Prakaram. Inside on either side of the gopuram are large stone idols of Garuda and Anjaneya on either side facing the sanctum sanctorum of the main deity. Straight ahead is the Flagstaff, Balipeedam, and Garuda Mandapam. A Mahamandapam is in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Lakshmi Narasimhar where the lord is seen sitting with the goddess on his lap. On the south side of the Prakaram is a temple for Lord Shiva as Someswarar and his consort is Sundaravalli. This sanctum has all the niche deities. This is also considered as a Shiva Temple and stands as a symbol of unity. There is a Tulsi Maadam in the prakaram with carvings of the Ashta (eight) Lakshmis carved on the sides.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Brahma Theertham

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilwam (Aegle marmelos)


Lakshmi Narasimhar Nangavalli is an old temple. Historical information is not available as of now. It is said that the Kambala Nayakars, a large group of people who migrated to these parts from the Kampili Kingdom near Tungabadhra River fearing the Mughal invaders in the 14th Century CE, developed the original temple that was a thatched hut. Most of the Poligars under the Vijayanagar Empire belonged to this group consisting of eight sub-groups collectively called Raja Kambalathars.


A lady called Thottiya Nangai (one of the migrants mentioned above) who was herding cows felt the basket on her head become heavier. Upon checking she found a stone and threw it away. Walking a little distance she felt it become heavier again and found the stone inside. Scared, she threw the stone and ran away. The stone was discovered by the people in a snake mound after its whereabouts were revealed by a lady who was possessed. The stone, which she said had come with them from the Bellary area, was made into an idol and installed in a thatched hut that became the temple of Lakshmi Narasimhar Nangavalli. The snake mound in which the idol was found is still there and is kept covered.


Lakshmi Narasimhar Nangavalli is 12 kilometers northwest of Tharamangalam. Tharamangalam is about 22 kilometers west of Salem via the Salem Steel Plant road. Nangavalli is at the junction of the roads coming from Tharamangalam, Mettur, Edappadi, and Mecheri.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea shops near the bus stand. The closest for food and stay would be Salem.

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