Panduranga Vithalapuram

Panduranga, Vithalapuram

Vaishnavite Temples - Thoothukudi


Panduranga Vittaleswarar, facing east


Rukmini and Sathyabama, facing east

Other Deities


Panduranga Vithalapuram is a beautiful east-facing temple with a small entrance gate in the north. The main entrance gateway in the east is normally kept closed. On the east, a long mandapam is in front of the entrance to the Inner Prakaram. The outer prakaram is large and spacious and has many flowering plants and trees. The inner Prakaram where all the shrines and sanctum sanctorum are located is completely covered in front and sides. The western side of the inner prakaram is open on top. There are several beautiful pillars in the mandapam in front of the sanctum sanctorum with ornamental designs and small carvings of deities. The main deity is a beautiful 5 feet tall idol with Rukmini and Sathyabhama on either side. Rukmini and Sathyabhama also have separate shrines beside the lord. This is considered as Dakshina Pandaripuram in par with the Vithala Temple at Pandharpur in Maharashtra.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Panduranga Vithalapuram was constructed during the Vijayanagar Period. There are inscriptions here that mention contributions for festivals and maintenance of the temple. Vittala Raya who is said to have built the temple laid down processes for the conduct of the rituals, administration, contributed to the maintenance and rituals of the Panduranga Vithalapuram temple. He named the village Vithalapuram, its old name being Nattarkulam. The Sringeri Math contributed to the performance of the last Consecration Ceremony in 2008.


Panduranga Vithalapuram is believed to have been constructed by one Vittala Raya a chieftain allied to the Vijayanagar Empire. While on his way to Travancore for a conquest he camped near Tirunelveli and in his dream appeared Lord Vithala of Pandarpur of Maharashtra. He was told that an idol would be found on the banks of the Tamiraparani and he should build a temple for him. The chieftain found the idol, initiated the temple construction, and proceeded to Travancore. When he reached Suchindram, to his surprise the Travancore King conceded to a friendly settlement without war. The thankful and happy Vittala Raya came back to the temple to pay his respects to the Lord.


Panduranga Vithalapuram is a little more than 10 kilometers east of Tirunelveli and can be reached from both the Thoothukudi Highway (by taking a right at Vasavappapuram) and the Tiruchendur Road (by taking a left at Seydunganallur).

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest is Tirunelveli.

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