Kariyamanicka Perumal Kadayanallur

Kariyamanicka Perumal, Kadayanallur

Vaishnavite Temples - Tirunelveli District


Kariyamanicka Perumal (also called Neelamaninathar), Neela Megha Perumal), facing east with his consorts.


Mahalakshmi, facing east

Other Deities

Garudan, two Anjaneyas, Aandal, Vishwaksenar, Chakrathazhwar, Dakshinamurthy

Kariyamanicka Perumal Kadayanallur is a small east-facing temple with 2 Prakarams. The entrance is through a small 3 tiered Gopuram in the east. In front of this gopuram is a Mandapam. The gopuram is followed by the Balipeedam and flagstaff. A small window (Salaram) is in front of the main deity in the sanctum sanctorum. There is a Mahamandapam and Ardhamamdapa before the sanctum. The Lord is in a standing posture along with Sreedevi and Bhoodevi. The inner Prakaram has cloistered Manadapams on three sides. The Chakrathazhwar here is seen with a 5 headed serpent below the Yoga Narasimha side of the idol.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Kariyamanicka Perumal Kadayanallur seems to be an old temple, but historical information is not available as of now.


Arjuna of the Mahabharatha is believed to have worshiped the Lord here at Kariyamanicka Perumal Kadayanallur to wash away his sins of killing so many in the Kurukshetra War. As he was resting after a holy dip in the Tamiraparani River he had a vision of the Lord and was told to worship his idol to be found under a Marudam Tree. A king later built the temple.


Kariyamanicka Perumal Kadayanallur is about 17 kilometers north of Tenkasi in the Rajapalayam Road.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea shops. The closest is Tenkasi.

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