Venkatachalapathi Pattamadai

Venkatachalapathi, Pattamadai

Vaishnavite Temples - Tirunelveli District


Venkatachalapathi, facing east


Sreedevi and Bhoodevi along with main deity, facing east

Other Deities

Garudan, Anjaneya, Ramanujar

Venkatachalapathi Pattamadai is a small east-facing temple with a single Prakaram. A concrete gateway leads into the temple. A Mahamantapam and Ardhamantapam leads into the Sanctum Sanctorum. The entire inner Prakaram is covered on top. Strangely there are two Venkatachalapathi temples and two Shiva temples in this village with the same names created due to some local dispute in the olden days.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Venkatachalapathi Pattamadai is said to go back about 400 years, but historical information is not available. It is claimed that this one is older than the other one we have listed under the same name.


No information


Varadaraja Perumal Tharuvai is 20 kilometers southwest of Tirunelveli. There are 2 temples with the same name in the village and we suggest you visit both. The one featured here is the one in the eastern side. There are 2 Shiva temples here also with the same name. Pattamadai is famous for mats of a very high quality right from regular ones to fine silky mats and various other products. The local shops stock them, but we suggest you buy from the society office that has placed direction sign boards in the highway and important junctions to get the right prices.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea shops. Closest is Tirunelveli.

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