Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam

Kasi Viswanathar, Kavanthandalam

Saivite Temples, Kancheepuram Taluk


Kasi Viswanathar, facing east


Visalakshi, facing south

Other Deities

Vinayaka, Muruga, Koteeswarar (Lingam)

Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam is a small stone temple situated in a spacious compound. The temple with a single Prakaram is east facing and entrance gate is from the main road in the west. There are no sanctum niches. The Cheyyar river runs just outside the temple towards the east.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple Tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilwam (Aegle marmelos)


Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam is an old temple which has been rebuilt in recent times, but historical information is not available as of now.


The ashes of a dead person brought here to Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam by his son while he was on his way to Kashi to perform the rites turned into flowers overnight. He then decided to perform the rites here itself.


Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam is 9 kilometers south of Walajabad. Cross the Paalar River at Walajabad and at the Avalur crossing take a right and then the left and drive through Tammanur and Kambarajapuram to reach Kasi Viswanathar Kavanthandalam which is on the main road itself.

Stay and Food

None locally. Walajabad and Kancheepuram are the nearest places for food.

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