Varaheeswarar Dhaamal

Varaheeswarar, Dhaamal

Saivite Temples, Kancheepuram Taluk


Varaheeswarar, facing west


Sornambikai, facing south

Other Deities

Sarabeswarar, Sornambigai, Ganesha, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara, Dakshinamurthy, Navagrahas, Vinayaka and Muruga with consorts

Varaheeswarar Dhaamal Temple is an ancient west facing temple. An interesting aspect is the Ramayana depicted in the pillars on the outer prakaram. In the same area are the carvings of the Dasavatara in the pillars. On the doorway of the entrance, top side, towards the sanctum sanctorum is the carving of Surya, Chandra and a snake. Another feature is the carvings of Ashta Bhairavas. more sculptures and creations belonging to the Pallava Period are said to have been lost due to vandals and wars. The sunlight falls on the Lingam on a particular month/period (February-March).  The newly built 7 tier Rajagopuram is at the entrance in the west.

Holy Water – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilvam (Aegle marmelos)


Varaheeswarar Dhaamal is an ancient temple and some stone inscriptions have been found here. It is said that the original temple could have been built before or during the Pallava Period. Many features belonging to the Pallava period have been lost over time in this temple which is also believed to have survived various battles fought in this area.


The deity here at Varaheeswarar Dhaamal is believed to show the conch and wheel of Lord Vishnu when bathed in milk. Lord Vishnu is believed to have worshiped Lord Shiva in his ten avatars (Dasavathara) and Varaheeswarar Dhaamal depicts the place of worship in his Varaha Avatar.


Varaheeswarar Dhaamal is on the Chennai – Bangalore National Highway after crossing Kancheepuram. The temple tower is visible from the road. Nearby are a few more small temples.

Stay and Food

None locally

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