Renganadar Gnanagiri

Renganadar Gnanagiri

Madurantakam Vaishnavite Temples


Renganadar, facing east


Bhoodevi and Sreedevi with the main deity

Other Deities

Aadhi Renganathar, Azhagiya Renganathar, Anugraha Renganathar, Lakshmi Narasimhar, Lakshmi Hayagrivar, Garuda, Chakkarathazhwar, Dhanvantri, Anjaneya

Renganadar Gnanagiri is a beautiful hill temple with steps leading to the temple. A motorable road is also present but requires very careful driving as the road is steep and slippery with stones and gravel. The temple is beautiful and quite unique with 3 Renganadar’s – Aadhi Renganathar, Azhagiya Renganathar, Anugraha Renganathar. It would be a good experience to walk up on a nice evening or a drizzly day.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Renganadar Gnanagiri is an ancient shrine which has been renovated in recent times.


No information


Renganadar Gnanagiri at Malaipalayam is about 2 kilometers west of Karunkuzhi (3 kilometers before Madurantakam when you go from Chennai). Take the right here and drive up to the temple base where there is a nice Anjaneya Shrine, the steps and road uphill start from here.

Stay and Food

None locally. Madurantakam is fine for simple food.

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