Vijayavaradarajar Baburayanpettai

Vijayavaradarajar Baburayanpettai

Madurantakam Vaishnavite Temples


Vijayavaradaraja Perumal, facing east


Vijayavalli Thaayar, facing east

Other Deities

Venugopal with Radha & Rukmani, Rama & Seetha, Hanuman, Azhwars, Garuda, Ramabaktha Anjaneya

Vijayavaradarajar Baburayanpettai is an ancient temple which is almost totally dilapidated now. A large 5 tier Rajagopuram faces east and Ramabaktha Anjaneya in a separate shrine faces the Rajagopuram from outside. Golden Lizard and Silver Lizard Mantapams are there. A large ruined temple tank is behind the temple in the west.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Vijaya Pushkarini, Kamala Theertham

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Padiri (Stereospermum chelonoides)


Vijayavaradarajar Baburayanpettai was built around 16th Century CE by one Baburayar.


No information


Vijayavaradarajar Baburayanpettai is some 5 kilometers on the right side of the Chennai to Thiruchirapalli highway and can be accessed from both Acharapakkam and Thozhupedu.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest for food is Haritam in Perumber Kandigai and Ganesh Bhavan in Acharapakkam.

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