Agasteeswarar Porpandal

Agasteeswarar, Porpandal

Saivite Temples, Uthiramerur Taluk


Agasteeswarar, facing east


Amirthavalli, facing south

Other Deities

Anumeswarar, Thirupurasundari, Natarajar, Sivagami, Bhairava, Balasubmanian, Stapana Vinayakar, Vinayaka, Muruga with Consorts, Perumal, Surya, Chandran, Navagraha

Agasteeswarar Porpandal is an old temple that requires attention today. the temple is east facing with a single Prakaram and entrance gateway from the south. There are two Shiva Lingams and goddesses here. Apart from the main deity there is Anumeswarar and his consort Thirupirasundari. There are two Nandis too.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Vilwam (Aegle marmelos)


Agasteeswarar Porpandal is an ancient temple, but the historical information is not available as of now.


A king who wanted to build a temple got the idols of Shiva Lingam, Goddess and Ganesha made. The Lingam was found cracked and was discarded on the other side of the nearby lake and he made a new one. The lord is believed to have appeared in him dream and asked him whether he would have done the same if it were his child. The next day he went in search of the discarded Lingam and to his surprise found it on the near side bank of the lake. This Lingam along with the goddess was also installed here at Agasteeswarar Porpandal. The Ganesha idol was installed in a small shrine on the banks of the lake where he found the Lingam. Anjaneya and Sage Aagstya are believed to have worshiped the lord here at Agasteeswarar Porpandal.


Agasteeswarar Porpandal is about 15 kilometers northwest of the GST road from Bukkathurai. From Bukkathurai Junction enter the Uthiramerur Road, proceed for 4.5 kilometers and take a right cross Salavakkam, Kidangarai, Edamachi and reach Porpandal. You can also come from the Thirumukkoodal side.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Uthiramerur.

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