Azhageeswarar Kumaravadi

Azhageeswarar, Kumaravadi

Saivite Temples, Uthiramerur Taluk


Azhageeswarar, facing east


Abhayambigai, facing west

Other Deities

Sanctum Niches – 2 Vinayakas, Mahavishnu, Brahma. Ganesha, Muruga, Bhairava, Navagraha

Azhageeswarar Kumaravadi is an old temple where the main deity is east facing and the goddess is facing west towards the lord. The Lingam is about 2 feet tall and is adorned with a Naga Abharna. The Nandi here is large, beautiful and short in height. A single Prakaram enclosed the shrines and the stone Sanctum Sanctorum. The niches around the sanctum are rearranged during renovation, Dakshinamurthy and Durga not being present.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Azhageeswarar Kumaravadi is an ancient stone temple where lot of inscriptions are found around the base of the Sanctum Sanctorum.


No information


Azhageeswarar Kumaravadi is 5 kilometeres west of Bukkathurai Junction on the road to Uthiramerur. Take a left at about 4.5 kilometers and drive further to reach the temple which is at the first left and at end of the village.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Uthiramerur or the restaurants in the GST Road.

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