Chokkalingeswarar, facing east
Chokkalingeswarar, facing east
Meenakshi, facing south
Ganesha, Naagar, Naalvar, Muruga with consorts, Gajalakshmi, Bhairava, Navagraha. Sanctum Niches – Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Lingotbavar, Brahma, Durga
Neinandeeswarar Vendanpatti is an ancient east facing temple where the Nandi, bull mount of Lord Shiva, is more important. This unique Nandi has a Chakra (Disc) between its horns and wards off insects that are normally attracted by ghee and other ablutions that are performed. This Nandi is also called Thambi Nandi (younger brother Nandi) to that of the larger one at Thanjavur Temple. The ghee poured over the Nandi is collected in a large tank which also does not attract insects. The temple though comparatively small is very beautiful, well maintained and is completely covered on top. A 3 tiered Rajagopuram is at the entrance in the east and in front of this is a large temple tank. People with cattle at home in this village prepare and provide the ghee to the Neinandeeswarar Vendanpatti temple before either consuming or selling it.
Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple Tank
Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information
Neinandeeswarar Vendanpatti is said to have been constructed by the Pandya Kings with later contributions by the Chola Kings.
The large Nandi in Thanjavur Big Temple is believed to have been taken from Neinandeeswarar Vendanpatti and the present one here is considered its younger brother.
Neinandeeswarar Vendanpatti is 4.5 kilometers south west of Ponnamaravathy after crossing Melaisivapuri. Ponnamaravathy is about 38 kilometers south west of Pudukottai.
None locally except tea shops.