Pasupatheeswar, facing east.
Other names – Pasoornadhar, Udayavar, Vaseeswarar
Pasupatheeswar, facing east.
Other names – Pasoornadhar, Udayavar, Vaseeswarar
Pasupathinayagi, facing east.
Other names – Mohanambal, Panaimulai Nachiyar, Thamkadhali
being updated
A 5 tier immaculate Rajagopuram faces south in Thirupasoor while all the shrines inside face east. 11 forms or appearances of Lord Ganesha are present here at Thirupasoor called Kodasa Ganapati. Ablution with Oil is not performed to the Lingam.
Holy water (Theertham) – Soma Theertham, Mangala Theertham
Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – Moongil (Bamboo – Bambuseae sps)
Gajaprashta Vimanam (resembling the back of a reclining elephant)
Thirupasoor Pasupatheeswarar Temple goes back to the times of Karikala Chola who is believed to have built it. Thevaram Hymns have been sung by Thirugnanasambandar and Thirunavukkarasar (7th century CE). Many stone inscriptions dating back to the Chola period can be found here.
A cow was seen giving milk to a bamboo mound. Hunters seeing this opened up the mound and found the Lingam here at Thirupasoor. A local king envied Karikala Cholan when he proposed to build this temple at Thirupasoor and prayed to his goddess Kaali to deal with Karikalan. Shiva sent his mount, Nandi, to combat Kaali and subdue her. An image of Kaali is seen in the 100 pillar mandapam. The lord is also believed to have to appeared as a snake charmer to save Karikala Chola from a serpent sent by enemies in a vessel.
Thirupasoor temple is on the main road, 5 kms west of Tiruvallur on the road to Tirupati. Public transport is available.
None available locally.