Panchavarneswarar Ekkadu

Saivite Temples, Thiruvallur District


Panchavarneswarar, facing east


Tirupurasundari, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Ganapati, Dakshinamurthy, Lingothbavar, Brahma, Chandikeswara, Ayyappan, Navagrahas, Bhairava

Panchavarneswarar Ekkadu Temple is an east facing temple with entrance arch in the south. It is an ancient stone temple which has been painted all white recently.

Holy Water – No information

Sacred Tree – No information


No information


No information


Panchavarneswarar Ekkadu is 3 kilometers from Thiruvallur on the SH114 to Redhills. There is a sign on the road on the left from where the temple is about half a kilometer inside.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Thiruvallur

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