Tiruvalleeswarar Kattur

Saivite Temples, Thiruvallur District


Tiruvalleeswarar, facing east


Tirupurasundari, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Muruga

Tiruvalleeswarar Kattur Temple is an old east facing temple located beautifully on the banks of a large lake. The Vimaanam is in the form of Gajaprastam (sitting elephant). The temple seems to be well cared for and was undergoing renovation during our visit.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information

Vimanam – Gajaprashtam


Looking at the Vimaanam and a few other structures Tiruvalleeswarar Kattur could be several hundred years old. But no historic information is available as on date.


No information


Tiruvalleeswarar Kattur temple is 12 kms in the Minjur – Pulicat village road. After visiting Tiruvalleeswarar Kattur temple drive onwards to Tirupalaivanam to visit the beautiful Siva Temple there and you can return from there via Ponneri.

Stay and Food

None in the area. Closest place for food would be either Minjur or Ponneri

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