Boomeeswarar, Kudimallur

Saivite Temples – Vellore District


Boomeeswarar, facing east


 Ambal, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Lingothbavar, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswarar, Nalwar, Bairavar

Boomeeswarar Kudimallur is an east facing temple with a 5 tier Rajagopuram in the south. A pond is present in the north west though we are not sure whether it is connected with Boomeeswarar Kudimallur.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information


Boomeeswarar Kudimallur is an ancient temple. The historical information is not available as on date.


No information


After Kaveripakkam ask for the left turn to Boomeeswarar Kudimallur from the National Highway. It is before the Ranipet Engineering College. There is an Athreeswarar Temple also in this village.

Stay and Food

None locally

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