Mayuranadar, Panapakkam

Saivite Temples – Vellore District


Mayuranadar, facing east


Soundaryanayaki, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Muruga, Naagar, Sivalingam, Nataraja, Navagraha

Mayuranadar Panapakkam is a small temple with a 3 tier Rajagopuram on the south side. The temple has been recently renovated. A deep temple tank to the east of the temple lies in disused state.

Holy Water (Theertham) – Temple tank

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


No information


No information


Mayuranadar Panapakkam is about 15 kilometers from Kancheepuram. After crossing Dhamal, take a right and reach Panapakkam via Poigainallur. You can also reach from Ocheri.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea and snack shops. Closest is Kancheepuram or Vellore.

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