Narasimha Mahendravadi

Narasimha, Mahendravadi

Vaishnavite Temples - Vellore District


Narasimha, facing east



Other Deities


Narasimha Mahendravadi is an east facing cave temple situated in a large area. The temple is under the control of Archaeological Survey of India. Narasimha Mahendravadi cave temple is sculpted out of a large single rock measuring about 11 feet long and 23 feet wide. The front façade of the cave is supported on two pillars and two pilasters. The pillars are cubical on top and bottom with an octagonal middle portion. The upper and lower portion of these pillars are carved with lotus shapes on all four sides. Narasimha Mahendravadi consists of Mukha Mantapa between the front and back row of pillars and Ardha Mantapa between the back row pillars and the back wall. A shrine is carved at the back wall of the cave. At the entrance of the shrine are two Dwarpalas in standing posture, on either side. The back wall does not have the original carving though some traces of color and a small platform is seen.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Narasimha Mahendravadi was created by the Pallava King Mahendra Verman I (600-630 CE). An inscription on the southern pilaster of Narasimha Mahendravadi inscribed in Pallava Grantha script in Sanskrit language mentions this temple as having been created beautifully on a tank bund for Lord Vishnu by King Mahendra and called as Mahendra Vishnu Griha.


No information


Narasimha Mahendravadi cave temple is about 32 kilometers northwest of Kancheepuram via Thirumalpur and Nemili.

Stay and Food

None locally. Closest is Vellore or Kancheepuram.

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