Sanctum niches – Narthana Vinayaka, Dakshinamurthy, Vishnu, Brahma, Chandikeswara, Durga. Prakara and inside – Nataraja, Chidambara Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts, Lakshmi Narayana, Surya, Lingam, Naagar Bhairava, Naalvar, Anjaneya, Saneeswara, Navagraha
Theerthabaleeswarar Triplicane is one of the seven Sapthasthana (Saptha meaning seven) temples for Shiva in and around Mylapore worshipped by the Saptha rishis – Adri (Theerthapaleeswarar Temple), Brigu (Malleeswarar Temple), Kutsa (Virupaksheeswarar Temple), Vashishta(Karaneeswarar Temple), Gautama (Valiswarar Temple), Kasyapa(Kapaleeswarar Temple) and Angirasa (Velleeswarar Temple). The sun’s rays are said to fall on the lord here on Shivrathri Day. It is believed that in the ancient days there were 64 small sacred ponds leading all the way from this temple to the sea! Theerthabaleeswarar Triplicane is considered an Arghya Sakthi Sthalam as many sages are said to have performed Tharpana (rites to the forefathers) here.
Holy Water – Sea nearby
Holy Tree – Vanni (Prosopis cineraria)
Theerthabaleeswarar Triplicane is said to be an old temple, but no historical evidence or information are available as of now.
Sage Agasthya while in south is believed to have rested under a Vanni Tree and prayed to him. The lord advised him to have a bath in the nearby sea and perform ablution to him with sea water. To facilitate the reach of the short Sage, the main deities of the Lord and his consort are said to also appear short here Theerthabaleeswarar Triplicane.
Theerthabaleeswarar Triplicane is not exactly in Mylapore but more towards the north. Take the road after visiting the temples near Karaneeswarar temple, cross Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai and go for about 500 meters and the temple is on the left. Do not drive here as there is no parking.