Chennamalleswarar Pookkadai

Chennamalleswarar Pookkadai

Saivite Temples, Chennai District


Malleeswarar, facing east



Other Gods

Prasanna Vinayaka, Surya, Ganesha, Lingams, Polla Pillayar, Nayanmars, Sekkizhar, Bala Murugan with Linga, Muruga with consorts, Bikshadanar, Somaskandar, Natraj, Dakshinamurthy, Vishnu, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswarar, Navagraha, Arunagirinadar, Aadhi Sankara, 63 Nayanmars

Chennamalleswarar Pookkadai is a beautiful east facing temple which is very popular and well maintained. Entrance is through a large gateway in the east from the busy street. The outer Prakaram connects with the adjacent Chenna Kesava Perumal Temple. A temple car and a temple tank is also present which is common to both the temples.

Holy Water – No information

Holy Tree – No information


Chennamalleswarar Pookkadai – When the British East India Company was in Madras (Chennai), they demolished the old Chenna Kesava temple located in the High Court area after the French occupied it. This was supposedly in concern of the safety it provided to such future occupying forces. Due to public outcry, the British donated money and land to Manali Muthu Krishna Mudaliar, the last chief merchant to East India Company in 1757 CE and he started constructing Chenna Kesava Temple in 1762. Along with the Chenna Kesava temple, he also constructed a temple for Lord Shiva named Chenna Malleeswarar temple. Thus, these twin temples of British period came into existence and were called as the ‘Company Temples’.


Chennamalleswarar Pookkadai is located in Devaraja Mudali Street close to the Pookkadai Police Station area.


No information

Stay and Food

Chennai has many hotels and restaurants across all tiers. Near the temple are restaurants including Agarwal Bhavan and Shankar Cafe. There are nice little snack shops all around run by North Indians which serve excellent Samosas and Kachori.

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