Virubatcheeswarar, facing east
Virubatcheeswarar, facing east
Visalakshi Amman facing south
Sanctum Niches – Ganesha, Dakshinamurthy, Lingotbavar, Brahma, Durga, Chandikeswara. Vinayaka, Muruga with consorts
Virubatcheeswarar Mylapore is a small and recently renovated temple with the entrance from South. The temple is with a single Prakaram where most of the other deities are situated. There is a large temple tank opposite in the east. This is one of the seven Sapthasthana (Saptha meaning seven) temples for Shiva in Mylapore worshiped by the Saptha rishis – Adri (Theerthapaleeswarar Temple), Brigu (Malleeswarar Temple), Kutsa (Virupaksheeswarar Temple), Vashishta (Karaneeswarar Temple), Gautama (Valeeswarar Temple), Kasyapa (Kapaleeswarar Temple) and Angirasa (Velleeswarar Temple). Originally they were all said to have been part of a single temple but in due course become separate temples.
Holy Water – Temple Tank
Holy Tree – No information
Virubatcheeswarar Mylapore is believed to belong to the 17th Century CE, constructed by one Sivanesan Chettiyar.
Sage Kutsa is believed to have worshiped the Lord here at Virubatcheeswarar Mylapore.
As you come out of the nearby Karaneeswarar Temple take a left and walk a few yards to reach Virubatcheeswarar Temple, Mylapore on the right.