Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi

Kulasekhara Perumal, Kallikudi

Vaishnavite Temples, Madurai District


Kulasekhara Perumal, facing east


Sreedevi and Bhoodevi, facing east along with main deity

Other Deities

Garudan, Anjaneya, Chakrathazhwar, Vinayaka

Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi is a small east-facing temple with an entrance gate in the east. The temple is situated in a single spacious prakaram. There are a few old idols kept in the Prakaram. The temple has been renovated in recent times and is well maintained. A little distance before this temple is another small and old Perumal Temple situated in a single Prakaram.

Holy Water (Theertham) – No information

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi is an old temple as is evident from the many inscriptions found around the base of the sanctum sanctorum walls. The details of these inscriptions are not available as of now.


No information


Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi is 16 kilometers south of Thirumangalam off the NH44. At the Kalligudi Chathram junction take a right towards the west and go for about 2.5 kilometers to reach Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi. There is an old and dilapidated Shiva Temple in the same village before Kulasekhara Perumal Kallikudi. Just before this village is another ancient Perumal Temple in a village called Agathapatti. This temple is visible from the road itself as you pass by.

Stay and Food

None locally. The closest is Thirumangalam and Madurai. There are a few tea shops at the Kalligudi Chathram junction.

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