Jayanteeswaramudayar, Azhagiyapandipuram

Saivite Temples, Kanyakumari District


Jayanteeswaramudaya Nayanar, facing east


Azhagamman, facing south

Other Deities

Ganesha, Nataraja, Sivakami, Kasi Viswanathar, Visalakshi, Subramanya with consorts, Swarnakala Bhairava, Aatkondan, Uzhakondan, Veerabagu, Veeramagendran. Sanctum niches – Dakshinamurthy, Chandikeswara

Jayanteeswaramudayar Azhagiyapandipuram is a east facing temple which is entered from the south through a Gateway and Mantapam. A single Prakaram houses all the shrines and the sanctum sanctorum. The temple is situated on the east banks of a large lake and below a tall hill. The location is beautiful and peaceful. The main deity is about 1.5 feet tall. The subramanya deity is a beautiful idol. There are some wonderful ornamental carvings on the top of the sanctum sanctorum walls. The old lady, Krishnammal, who takes care of the temple rendered a beautiful divine song for us when we visited in the early morning. Opposite on the other side of the lake is a Vinayaka Temple and nearby on a small mound is a Muruga temple. On the same side is also an Amman Temple with a separate temple tank. The road from here leads to the Ulakkai Aruvi trekking spot and falls.

Holy Water – Lake in front

Sacred Tree (Sthala Vriksham) – No information


Jayanteeswaramudayar Azhagiyapandipuram is an ancient temple that goes back to the Pandya period. The name of the main deity could be a reference to the Pandya King Jayantavarman.


No information


Jayanteeswaramudayar Azhagiyapandipuram is near Ettamadai, Kesavanputhur just before reaching Azhagiya Pandipuram from Nagercoil. From the main road you have to take the road going north and reach the fringes of the lake where the road going east along the shores of the lake will take you to Jayanteeswaramudayar Azhagiyapandipuram which is about a kilometer away.

Stay and Food

None locally except tea shops. Closest place for food and stay is Nagercoil.

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